Saturday, February 9, 2008

JVM for Windows Mobile

JVM can be installed on a Windows Mobile device using WebSphere Everyplace Micro Environment

All you need from there is the CLDC 1.1/MIDP 2.0 for Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone Edition/ARM executable. Install it on your computer.

Then go to the installation directory and extract the only zip file there. In the extracted directory you will find docs/install.pdf. Just follow the simple steps showing you how to deploy J9 onto your phone.

Now you can install Gmail on your windows mobile device (yes that was my only goal :=))

To create a shortcut on your Start Menu create a .lnk file with the following contents in one line:

38#"\J9\MIDP20\bin\j9midp20.exe" -classpath "\J9\MIDP20\apps\gmail\gmail-g.jar" "-Xbootclasspath:\J9\MIDP20\lib\jclMidp20\jclMidp20.jxe" javax.microedition.lcdui.AppManager "\J9\MIDP20\apps\gmail\gmail.jad"
